Information Resources Web Promotion Services
Information Resources, is an online provider of Internet services including web design, web promotion, web hosting, and e-commerce solutions with low cost merchant account.
Information Resources can provide any size business with the promotional tools that will provide your business the visibility on the web.
We have a wide range of promotional services from Complete Marketing Systems, Search Engine Services, Email Services, Classified Ads Services, Banner Ads Services, e-commerces Services, Promotional Reports & ebooks and more.
Come join us and get ahead of the next gold rush on the internet e-commerce revolution.
Reach New Customers Thru Search Engine Placement
90% of Search Engine Referral Traffic comes from Placement in the Major Search Engines. The remaining 10% comes from all the other search engines combined.
While there is no guarantee that you will get high rankings in the major search engines or even stay there once you rank in the top 30 results, your odds are better when you understand how they work and what key words to use. (This may also require changes to your meta tags in your home page.)
Major Search Engine Placement
3,000 Plus Major Search Engine Placement
Automated Email Tasks
Over 64% of your prospects will never (and I do mean NEVER!) buy from you the first time they are presented with your offer. On the web, it's even worse. The underlying benefit of the web is that it can deliver information really fast. "People want it and they want it now!" is its motto. But if you fail to capitalize on this intrinsic behavior, not only are you losing potential sales but you may be working ten times harder to generate just a few simple sales to keep your business afloat! Autoresponder systems will put your business on autopilot, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, literally working around the clock to increase your profits. No longer do you have to spend hours sending offers, sales letters and follow up messages to your potential customers.
Auto Responder by GetResponse.
Online Automation by Postmaster.
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